Creating an itinerary
- Itineraries are created through the My Itineraries option in the menu.
- If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to log in before you can continue.

- Click the Create a new itinerary button to start creating your new itinerary.

The create Itinerary tool has a few options to fill out before you can continue.
- You can give your itinerary a name - or leave the default.
- You can put a start date for your itinerary (optional). If you provide a start date, Port Planner will provide you with reminders in the lead-up to your cruise, as well as provide you with a countdown and easy access to your itinerary from the home page.
Build your itinerary
Under build your itinerary, you provide each day of your holiday. This can also include any days in the lead-up or after your cruise that you may want to include in your planning.
- Add days/destinations by typing the name of a destination in the box.
- Select a matching destination from the box, or if the destination does not exist in the list, select the "Use ..." option.
- If the day is a Sea Day, you can click the Add a sea day button instead of search for the destination.
- You will see your itinerary building above the box as you add destinations.
- To remove a day/destination you have added, click the X next to the destination you wish to remove.
- Click Build once you have added all your days/destinations.